
At H2O’s facility we have 3 evaporation pond with 140,000 barrels of capacity each. Our facility is designed to take 2,000 barrels of produced and flowback water daily with an average offload time of 8 minutes per hundred barrels due to our unique gravity fed drive on/drive off discharge platform that can handle multiple truck simultaneously.

H2O Management Solutions is making a big impact in Wyoming. More importantly, we are delivering a sustainable solution to the oil and natural gas industry needs to dispose of produced and flow back waters, which helps reduce the environmental impact of drilling wells within the state. We're making a difference, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.

We understand the realities of production economics and the need for cost-effective and efficient solutions.

We welcome the opportunity to visit with you to better understand your water management needs and requirements. At H2O, developing a catered solution is the cornerstone of a successful partnership. Please contact us at your convenience.